Travis Yocom

Pirate RV Technician

 Hello, I am Pirate Tech Travis. I am an RVTAA Certified RV Technician in all US states. My family and I have been RV'ers two years now and we love it! Though we have not been living in our RV that long, I have had to learn quickly on how to operate, service, and maintain our RV. Thankfully I have had close family and friend to support me and provide advice. Getting the help I needed made me want to do the same for other RV'ers that have decided to purchase an RV. I worked in the construction trade as an electrician for 12 years which gives me the experience and knowledge to help others. If you are in need of RV repairs or just want some advice and/or training on how to operate and maintain your RV, just leave a message below and we at Pirate RV will be glad to call you back as soon as we have a free minute.


> RVTAA Certified RV Technician (US)
> 01-Journeyman Electrician (WA)

> Aqua Hot ASC Certified

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